Private Collection

Angels, Hearts and Reaching Hands” by Frederico Jimenez

"Angels, Hearts and Reaching Hands" by Frederico Jimenez

Milagro Necklace, with sacred Hearts, moons, donkey, cow, hands charms set in a sequence between silver beads and Kingman faceted turquoise beads 4 strands. Front and middle drop of necklace is a Sacred Heart with an Angel pendant drop. All charms are sterling. Closure is hook and eye attached to reaching hands.

Total Necklace length is 30", Angel pendant drop is 4", each charm is approximately 1/2 "to 1".


Frederico Jimenez born in "Oaxaca", Mexico in a Mixtec, Indian Community. He came to the USA in 1967 to study and work. He admired native jewelry so much that he started a collection. Donating it later to museums. Living now in Venice, CA. He is a well-known jewelry artist, famous for his quality work, using mostly rare Natural Turquoise.


See our Private Collection.

About our Private Collection

The Private Collection offers a variety of Southwest Jewelry. Showcasing Museum Quality pieces by artists from the Santo Domingo Pueblo, and Navajo Nation. The jewelry pieces are from around 1960-1970 build with natural turquoise, coral, spiney oystershell and sterling. " One of a Kind" investor pieces.

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